Membership Application - Orange 360

Membership Application

Register here to join the Orange360 community!


  • Business Address

  • Postal Address

  • CONTACT #1

  • CONTACT #2

  • Orange360 Login Details


  • An invoice for this amount will be issued to you in your Welcome pack

  • Orange 360 membership is open to all businesses that have a positive connection with the Orange NSW region.

    Member’s Responsibilities:

    Approvals, insurances and licences: It is the responsibility of members to have all necessary licences, insurance policies and statutory approvals required to operate their business in agreeance with any local, state and federal authorities and within the law. Copies of these documents must be supplied to Orange360.

    Promotion (online and printed): As a member of Orange360 it is a requirement that you review your business listing on and to ensure it is up to date with accurate information. Orange 360 reserves the right to edit inaccurate or inappropriate information/images from these websites, or to remove a members listing from the website. Orange 360 accepts no liability for inaccurate information or inclusion on any of these websites.

    Membership fees are non-refundable.

    Membership to Orange360 is valid for a 12 month period.

    Orange360 will send a renewal notice with invoice 1 month out from the renewal date. Invoices must be paid within the stipulated period, failure to pay will result in the removal of the members business listing/s from the Orange360 website with immediate effect.

    Unpaid membership invoices over 90 days are recognized as indication that membership to the organisation is no longer required.  Any website listings and other Orange360 membership benefits you had access to as part of your membership will cease from this date.

    Member’s Responsibilities Code of Conduct:

    The Orange 360 code of conduct outlines professional guidelines so the conduct of Orange 360 members will enhance the regions profile and contribute positively to the community, environment and quality of life. By becoming a member you agree to be bound by the code of conduct and terms and conditions set below.

    Orange360 Members are expected to:

      • It is the responsibility of the member to ensure all contact details are up to date and alternative contact arrangements are in place.
      • Act professionally and with high levels of duty of care, safety and concern towards other Orange 360 members, customers and the local government areas of Orange, Cabonne and Blayney.
      • Deliver with integrity, all advertised products and services, meeting all legal responsibilities including trading only under a registered business name.
      • Speak and act respectfully and not denigrate or slander anyone or discriminate on the basis of race, gender, religious belief, sexual orientation or political persuasion.
      • Comply with the laws of Australia and ensure all contracts and terms of business are clear, concise and honoured in full, ensuring all dealings are ethical and fair.
      • Ensure claims in advertising and marketing a product or service are true, not misleading or exaggerated and are not negative about another partner’s product or service.
      • Manage their business effectively and efficiently, enhancing the reputation of tourism within the local government areas Orange, Cabonne, Blayney and to respond and resolve customer complaints in a timely and courteous manner and to change business processes and policies when necessary.
      • Operate a safe, healthy and satisfying working environment for staff, customers and the public.
      • Manage their staff/employees fairly and equitably. Consider environmental best practice guidelines, conserving water, energy and the natural environment.



    Membership of Orange 360 is subject to review and acceptance by the Board or their authorised agent.

    Members act as ambassadors for the Orange region and help promote community understanding of the importance of the Orange360 role as a vibrant contributor to the local economy.

    Breaches of the Member’s Code of Conduct may result in suspension of membership and associated benefits including website listings and marketing support. Partners have a right to address the Board should a breach be alleged against them. It is understood that by submitting an application form you agree to follow the Member’s Responsibilities and the Members Code of Conduct.

    It is compulsory that you agree to these terms and conditions when you purchase your membership.

                                                                                                                                                               April 2023