Newmont Orange360 Regional Tourism Event Fund - Orange 360

Newmont Orange360 Regional Tourism Event Fund

As part of the Community Partnerships Program, Newcrest distributes funding each year that aims to support and enhance the community groups, organisations and infrastructure that provide a sustainable foundation for the communities of the Blayney, Cabonne and Orange Local Government Area's (LGAs).

Newmont has partnered with Orange360 to establish the Newmont Orange360 Regional Tourism Event Fund to help bolster the tourism industry within the region. The fund will help build on the success of the region's festivals to stimulate the visitor economy and diversify the events across the calendar, positioning the Orange region as a leading destination. 


Applications for the 2024/25 financial year are now open.

Please ensure you check your Eligibility and the fund Terms and Conditions prior to submitting an application. 

How to apply

If you are eligible to apply and understand the Terms and Conditions associated with the fund, CLICK HERE to access an online application form. You may also like to refer to the Application Key Questions so you can prepare your submission offline.

The online application form is designed to save as you go so you can re-visit your application at any time. Please allow ample time to complete your application, noting that an approximate indication of time is 3 full days.

You will need to be familiar with Orange360's Strategic Plan and ensure your application align's with Orange360's Strategic Priorities.


What you are required to submit with your application

  • Event budget
  • Marketing budget
  • Marketing plan
  • Visitation Data
  • Letters of support
  • Certificate of Insurance, Public Liability


To support your submission, we have prepared the below templates. You will need to download and complete each template, then upload each completed document through the online application portal:

Event Budget Template

Marketing Budget Template

Marketing Plan Template

Visitation Data Template


For further queries about the Newmont Orange360 Regional Tourism Event Fund, please contact Mali Williams at Orange360: