Orange Region Vignerons Association - Orange 360

Orange Region Vignerons Association

The Orange Wine Regoin is on its way to becoming NSW's premier cool-climate wine region. Today there are over 50 members who are grape growers, cellar door operators and winemakers within the region.

With renewed respect for rationality being a key to the successful future of the wine industry both domestically and internationally, being part of a region with a reputation for fine wine, excellent fruit quality and a strong message that is well communicated will be critical for future success

Membership of ORVA

Orange Region Vignerons' Association (ORVA) always welcomes new members who grow grapes, or have an interest, in the Orange Wine Region.

For further information about membership, please view the Membership Prospectus.

To apply for membership with ORVA, CLICK HERE to join now.


The ORVA Committee

Postal address: The Secretary, ORVA, Box 1363, Orange NSW 2800


President: Nick Segger,

Treasurer: Ben Crossing

Vice Chair: Jeff Byrne 

Secretary: Monica Gray


Committee Members 

Executive Officer: Sam Burns,

Daniel Mortimer 

James Robson 

Jonathan Mattick

Clayton Kiely 

Wil Arnold 

Lisa De Diana