Gardens, Parks & Reserves - Orange 360

The self guided walk will teach you about the origins of Cook Park, first proclaimed in 1873. The walk takes in the original caretakers cottage which now hosts the Park Guildry, adorned with local arts and crafts. Learn the original use of the German 'Whiz Bang Gun' located at the eastern gates and check out the impressive lattice fernery too.

Cook Park was laid out with straight paths and rows of trees, with much of the original design still in place. There is a display of Tuberous Begonias in the Blowes Conservatory from February to April every year.

Cook Park embodies the changing seasonal colours of Orange. Summer's arrival brings gardens of stunning and vibrant, coloured roses. From February to April, hundreds of begonias bloom in the Blowes Conservatory and in spring, a burst of colour arrives with masses of tulips and daffodils.

Take the time to breathe the fresh air and stroll around Cook Park experiencing the beauty and heritage of these gardens.


24 Summer Street


Landmarks and Buildings, Parks and Gardens

Special Features

Public Toilet


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